Semester Wise Results Result 2023-24 Odd Semester (B.Tech. Programme) Programme B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Result ECE 2022-2026 3rd SEM REGULAR ECE 2020-2024 7th SEM REGULAR ECE 2021-2025 5th SEM REGULAR ECE 2023-2027 1st SEM REGULAR Programme B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Result EEE 2022-2026 3rd SEM REGULAR EEE 2020-2024 7th SEM REGULAR EEE 2021-2025 5th SEM REGULAR EEE 2023-2027 1st SEM REGULAR Programme B.Tech (Computer Science Engineering) Result CSE 2022-2026 3rd SEM REGULAR CSE 2020-2024 7th SEM REGULAR CSE 2021-2025 5th SEM REGULAR CSE 2023-2027 1st SEM REGULAR Programme B.Tech (IT) Result IT 2022-2026 3rd SEM REGULAR IT 2020-2024 7th SEM REGULAR IT 2021-2025 5th SEM REGULAR IT 2023-2027 1st SEM REGULAR Programme B.Tech (AI&DS) Result AI&DS 2022-2026 3rd SEM REGULAR Programme B.Tech (CSE&DS) Result CSE&DS 2023-2027 1st SEM REGULAR Result 2022-23 Even Semester (B.Tech. Programme) Programme B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Result ECE 2022-2026 2nd SEM REGULAR ECE 2020-2024 6th SEM REGULAR ECE 2021-2025 4th SEM REGULAR ECE 2019-2023 8th SEM REGULAR Programme B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Result EEE 2022-2026 2nd SEM REGULAR EEE 2020-2024 6th SEM REGULAR EEE 2021-2025 4th SEM REGULAR EEE 2019-2023 8th SEM REGULAR Programme B.Tech (Computer Science Engineering) Result CSE 2022-2026 2nd SEM REGULAR CSE 2020-2024 6th SEM REGULAR CSE 2021-2025 4th SEM REGULAR CSE 2019-2023 8th SEM REGULAR Programme B.Tech (IT) Result IT 2022-2026 2nd SEM REGULAR IT 2020-2024 6th SEM REGULAR IT 2021-2025 4th SEM REGULAR IT 2019-2023 8th SEM REGULAR Programme B.Tech (AI&DS) Result AI&DS 2022-2026 2nd SEM REGULAR Result 2023-24 Odd Semester (B.Tech. Programme) Programme B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Result ECE 2018-2022 1st SEM REAPPEAR 2022 ECE 2019-2023 1st SEM REAPPEAR 2022 ECE 2020-2024 1st SEM REAPPEAR 2022 ECE 2021-2025 1st SEM REGULAR 2022 ECE 3rd SEM LE REGULAR 2022 ECE 2020-2024 3rd SEM REGULAR 2022 ECE 2018-2022 3rd SEM REAPPEAR 2022 ECE 2019-2023 3rd SEM REAPPEAR 2022 ECE 2019-2023 5th SEM REGULAR 2022 ECE 2018-2022 7th SEM REGULAR 2022 Programme B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Result EEE 2018-2022 1st SEM REAPPEAR 2022 EEE 2019-2023 1st SEM REAPPEAR 2022 EEE 2020-2024 1st SEM REAPPEAR 2022 EEE 2021-2025 1st SEM REGULAR 2022 EEE 3rd SEM LE REGULAR EEE 2020-2024 3rd SEM REGULAR EEE 2018-2022 3rd SEM REAPPEAR 2022 EEE 2019-2023 3rd SEM REAPPEAR 2022 EEE 2019-2023 5th SEM REGULAR 2022 EEE 2018-2022 7th SEM REGULAR 2022 Previous Results Result 2022-23 Odd & Even Semester Programme Master of Business Administration Result MBA I Sem 2021-23 Result MBA III Sem 2020-22 Result MBA 4th Sem result 2020-22 Programme Bachelor of Business Administration Result BBA I Sem 2021-24 Result Results of BBA 2nd & 4th Sem June 2021 BBA III Sem 2020-23 Result BBA 4th Sem Result 2020-23 BBA V Sem 2019-22 Result BBA 6th Sem 2019-22 result